SSD Seller Stamp Duty and ASSD Additional Seller Stamp Duty


20170310 Friday Property Cooling Measures

Seller's Stamp Duty (SSD)  - 20100220

For Homes bought after 20170311:
1. The SSD holding period will be cut to three years, down from four. This means properties sold more than three years after purchase will not attract SSD.
2. The SSD rates will also be lowered by four percentage points for each tier.
3. For example, currently, the seller of a property held for for one year or less will have to pay 16 per cent in SSD. With the change, this will be lowered to 12 per cent. A seller of a house held for three years ago or less will pay 4 per cent, down from 8 per cent.

Holding period of 1 year : 12% of price or market value, whichever is higher
Holding period of 2 years : 8% of price or market value, whichever is higher
Holding period of 3 years : 4% of price or market value, whichever is higher
Holding period of 4 years : 0% of price or market value, whichever is higher

20130112 CEA Practice Circular


Property Sold within  1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th Year

For Residential Properties
Additional Stamp Duty
Revised 20170311 12%   8%      4%           0%

For Industrial Properties and Land
Additional Stamp Duty 15%   10%          5%           0%

11th Jan 2013
MND Ministry of National Development
Additional Measures to Ensure a Stable and Sustainable Property Market

Seller Stamp Duties    wef   2010 February

In February 2010, the Government imposed a seller’s stamp duty (SSD) on sellers who buy (or acquire) residential properties on or after 20 February 2010 and sell (or disposed of) them within one year of acquisition.

The amount of SSD is computed based on the same rates as the buyer's stamp duty.

On 30 Aug 2010, the Government further announced that SSD will be payable on residential properties which are acquired (or purchased) on or after 30 Aug 2010 and disposed of (or sold) within 3 years of acquisition.

 The amount of SSD for the holding period of 1 year is computed based on the same rates as the buyer's stamp duty, but will be reduced  to 2/3 and 1/3 of the amount of buyer's stamp duty for holding period of 2 years and 3 years respectively.

On 13 January 2011, the Government announced the extension of the holding period for imposition of SSD on residential properties from 3 years to 4 years based on new rates.

The new SSD rates will be imposed on residential properties which are acquired (or purchased) on or after 14 January 2011 and disposed of (or sold) within 4 years of acquisition, as follows :

Holding period of 1 year : 16% of price or market value, whichever is higher
Holding period of 2 years : 12% of price or market value, whichever is higher
Holding period of 3 years : 8% of price or market value, whichever is higher
Holding period of 4 years : 4% of price or market value, whichever is higher